Ask a Chemist: Wet Cleaning with Dr. Cord Meyer
I’d like to share brief interview with Dr. Cord Meyer conducted at TexCare International in Frankfurt, Germany via Facebook Live about wet cleaning. Here’s the full transcript from our…
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I’d like to share brief interview with Dr. Cord Meyer conducted at TexCare International in Frankfurt, Germany via Facebook Live about wet cleaning. Here’s the full transcript from our…
Selecting a detergent provider for your dry cleaning company is a critical step to ensuring a successful operation, and many factors need to be considered for making the right decision….
We are happy to share this press release from Miele. WetCare is increasingly becoming the standard for dry cleaners and their clients. The world’s first wet- cleaning system celebrates 25…
“White Way Cleaners’ owner, Dave Nemec, was invited to the Minneapolis City Hall to receive a “Green Business Award” in recognition…
Massachusetts is offering grants of approximately $15,000 for dry cleaners to convert to wet cleaning. “Eight cleaners in the Greater Boston area have made the switch, but the Toxic Use…
This article is a summary of presentation was called Building your Business by Building Relationships with Social Media giving an overview of what social media is and how to use…