Water and oil proofing agent for waterproofing and stain protective finishing of textiles. Effective at low drying temperature.
- Prevents water, oil and other liquids from penetrating the textiles.
- Because it is relatively stable against mechanical and chemical influences the effect is permanent.
- Particularly suitable for first time finishing or refinishing of sportswear and rainwear, protective clothing in industries, rescue services and fire brigades and for stain protection on outer clothing.
- Becomes active at textile temperatures of 40 °C at the end of the drying period. Good beading effect and water pressure resistance and chemical protection (Type IV DIN 32763) starting at 60 °C.
- Breathability and water vapor transport of the textiles are not influenced by the finishing.
- Free of PFOA (Perfluorooctanoic acid) and PFOS (Perfluoroctane sulfonate).
Learn more on the main Kreussler website.